The Return of The Neanderthal Man is a screwball comedy with a Freudian twist. The story of a young woman's quest to find the perfect mate, who is embodied in a 10,000 year old Neanderthal Man. A tongue in cheek look at relationships in our modern age, The Return of the Neanderthal playfully examines all of our preconceived notions about love and romance and turns them inside out and upside down.
Sarah Mühlhause
Jon Chardiet
Kirstin Hesse
Milton Welsh
Max Tuveri
Wolfgang Müller
Hanno Friedrich
Axel Siefer
Norbert Alich
Michael Kleiber
Dörte Niedermeier
Zeljka Preksavec
Leonard Kuhnen
Manuel Struffolino
Rosalind Ayres
Rick Zieff
Martin Jarvis
Jorge Ramírez Suárez
Nela Lee
Lisa Quarg
Beate Bohr
Tunç Denizer