A socio-realist drama-comedy film, it follows a seemingly usual day in the life of Loida Malabanan as she embarks on yet another shooting day of a soap opera as an extra. As the shoot goes on, we get a glimpse of the truth in the ruling system of the production as well as the exploitation of the marginalized laborers like her.
Vilma Santos
Fatima Centeno
Marlon Rivera
Vincent de Jesus
Ruby Ruiz
Tart Carlos
Hazel Faith Dela Cruz
Martha Comia
Erlinda Villalobos
Antonette Garcia
Raymond Rinoza
Rex Lantano
Jake Seneres
Cherie Gil
Pilar Pilapil
Marian Rivera
Eula Valdez
Cherry Pie Picache
Richard Yap
Piolo Pascual
Tom Rodriguez
Terence Baylon