Drama about the secret life of Opportunity Knocks and Double Your Money presenter Hughie Green, based on the inside story from his family, friends and peers. It tells of the destructive power of success and celebrity from Green's earliest days as a child star, and explores what family and fatherhood meant to this iconic character, who harboured an explosive secret that would rock the entertainment world after his death in 1997.
Trevor Eve
Kim Thomson
Emma Stansfield
Mark Benton
Danny Webb
Julia Ford
Nick Dunning
Victoria Pugh
Mared Swain
Vicky Ogden
George Potts
Kate Williams
Will Thorp
Taet Chesterton
Jasper Jacob
Olivia Darnley
Glynne Steele
Deborah Cornelius
Tim Wallers
Carmen du Sautoy
John Warnaby
Serena Catapano
Jordan Briggs