Shawn Michaels defends the WWF Championship against Ken Shamrock. The Rock challenges Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Plus, see The Road Warriors challenge The New Age Outlaws for the WWF World Tag Team Championship, the final match in the tournament to determine the first ever WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, and more!
Michael Hickenbottom
Ken Kilpatrick
Steve Austin
Dwayne Johnson
Jeffrey Jarrett
Mark Calaway
Paul Lévesque
Robert Remus
Mike Hegstrand
Joe Laurinaitis
Monty Sopp
Brian James
Takao Yoshida
Brian Lawler
Marc Mero
Eric Esch
Brian Lee Harris
Ron Harris
Don Harris
Miguel Pérez Jr.
Jose Estrada Jr
Jesús Castillo Ortiz Jr
Juan Rivera
Ron Simmons
Charles Wright
Accie Julius Connor
Rena Marlette Lesnar