“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside down when they find some marijuana that has aphrodisiacal side effects. After deciding to use the wacky weed to their advantage, the guys meet an array of pot-loving beauties.
Rollin Perry
Seth Cassell
Michelle Penick
Rana Davis
Maurice Constable
Lindsey Ahern
Brent Anthony
Teryl Brouillette
Elina Madison
Lola Forsberg
T.J. Zale
Becky T. Bordo
Deirdre V. Lyons
Myles Cranford
Cindy Clark
Orit Shuckroon
Ken Kreps
Jackie Nico
Sarah Agor
Denise Gossett
Chad Nell
Maura Murphy
Christine Nguyen
Jasna Novosel
Victoria De Mare
Rebecca Blue
Brandon Gorman