The film revolves around Chintakayala Ravi, a waiter in a New York bar, who has lied to his mother that he is a software engineer. When his mother arranges for a match for him in her village, the girl's friend Sunitha finds out the truth and informs everyone. Ravi is humiliated by the entire village after coming back.
Anushka Shetty
Mamta Mohandas
Venu Thottempudi
Sunil Varma
Dharmavarupu Subramanyam
M. S. Narayana
Venu Madhav
Srinivasa Reddy
Pragathi Mahavadi
Ravi Prakash
Rajiv Kanakala
Ali Basha
Bandla Ganesh
N.T. Rama Rao Jr.