A nerdy young college instructor named Shinji Kikyo returns home one day to find himself the target of a mad assassin. Surviving somewhat miraculously, he fends off other assassins and with the help of reporter Keiko Tsurumaki and car mechanic Bill Otomo, eventually discovering that a "population control" association is really an assassination squad led by Shogo Mizorogi, who has been training patients of a mental asylum to become killers.
Tatsuya Nakadai
Reiko Dan
Hideo Sunazuka
Hideyo Amamoto
Tatsuyoshi Ehara
Yasuzō Ogawa
Masaya Nihei
Seishirō Kuno
Misako Tominaga
Atsuko Kawaguchi
Ikio Sawamura
Shōji Ōki
Naoya Kusakawa
Keiichi Taki
Hiroko Minami
Satoko Fukai
Terumi Oka
Wataru Ōmae
Shin Ibuki
Hiroshi Hasegawa
Ben Hiura
Bruno Laske
Kôji Uno
Yutaka Nakayama
Tamami Urayama
Yaeko Izumo
Shirō Tsuchiya