Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.
Michel Serrault
Rosy Varte
Daniel Ceccaldi
Jean-Pierre Darras
Roger Carel
Henri Virlogeux
Jacques Legras
Michel Creton
Georges Audoubert
Annick Blancheteau
René Bouloc
Xavier Depraz
Philippe Étesse
Catherine Hiegel
Tania Torrens
Armand Babel
Pierre Devevey
Michel Morano
Anne-Marie Sanial
Marc Vento
Jean-Marie Humily
Nathalie Bréhal