The film depicts the adventures of Kacenka (Zdena Kavková) and Vincek (Vlasta Burian), two innocent country bumpkins who live in a Czech small town, and the various jobs that Kacenka has once she moves to Prague, that beautiful capital city. Our heroine will have to bear difficult working conditions and to make things worse, she falls in love with a fake aristocrat. Fortunately her companion, Vincek who is also in Prague, has an unrequited love for her. Though he is the cause of many Kacenka's problems, Vincek finally will help and resolve her loves troubles. And of course there is a happy ending that brings the Czech couple together.
Zdena Kavková
Vlasta Burian
Jiří Sedláček
Rudolf Sůva
Bronislava Livia
L. H. Struna
Betty Kysilková
Willy Ströminger
Josef Šváb-Malostranský
Milada Smolíková
Elsa Vetešníková
Jaroslav Marvan
Bedřich Bozděch
Ada Velický
Čeněk Šlégl
Svatopluk Innemann
František Jerhot
Jan Roth
Eduard Šimáček
Anna Švarcová
Marie Grossová
Jan Richter
Ladislav Desenský
Josef Oliak
Anna Kobíková
Fráňa Vodička
Theodor Pištěk
Saša Dobrovolná
Emanuel Trojan
Roza Schlesingerová
Alfred Schlesinger
Josef Hořánek
Marie Oliaková