
The Happy Lands

When they fought for their country they were heroes. When they fought for their own they were traitors.

The Happy Lands tracks the lives of the Brogan, Guthrie and Baxter families as they overcome the economic challenges brought about by the 1926 General Strike.

Kevin Clarke


Jokie Wallace


Aaron Jones

(Wee Baxie)

Kevin Adair

(Davey King)

Farah Ahmed

(Mary Miller)

Stevie Allan

(Pug Henderson)

Jez Arrow

(Economic League)

Michael Barney

(Special Constable)

Madeline Berry

(Granny King)

Josh Brown

(Pat Brogan)

Willie Clarke

(Regional Union Official)

Craig Clarke

(Andy Jenkins)

Kristen Clarke

(Billy Jenkins)

Patricia Colville

(Jenny Saville)

Fiona Combe

(Lily Wilson)

Rob Connors


Nikki Crawford

(Alison McKinchie)

Bill Davie

(Cllr Proudfoot)

Susan Davie

(Elsie Proudfoot)

Cathy Davies

(Florence Watson)

Rebecca Davies

(Rita Hunter)

Jonean Denholm

(Molly Guthrie)

Kielan Denholm

(Wee Danny Guthrie)

Andrew Donaldson

(Bobby Jenkins)

Harry Donaldson

(Jimmy Jenkins)

Stacey Donaldson

(Nancy King)

Kim Donnachie

(Grace MacGregor)

Lydia Donnachie

(Sally MacGregor)

Simone Donnachie

(Katy MacGregor)

Aileen Doyle

(Gemma McKinchie)

Lucy Drysdale

(Rose McLaughlin)

Emma Duncan

(Annie Brogan)

Gary Duncan

(Walter McInnes)

Lorraine Duncan

(Agnes Brogan)

Rachel Duncan

(Kitty Brogan)

Margaret Feely

(Granny Guthrie)

Cameron Forbes

(Special Constable)

Arfur Fuxsake

(Black Watch Soldier)

Bill Gilby


Joanna Graham

(Josie Young)

Bella Hammond

(Edna Smith)

Bill Hammond

(Henry Miller)

Colin Harrower

(Black Watch Soldier)

Frances Houston

(Florence Adams)

Betty Hunter

(Maggie MacGregor)

Dinorah Imrie

(Olivia Jackson)

Alan Jones

(Jockie Johnston)

Ronnie Kimmel

(Demobbed Soldier)

Katie Kinch

(Sophie Johnson)

Mary Kinch

(Patricia Johnson)

Niamh Kinch

(Nicola Johnston)

Archie King


Dean King


Lillian King

(Granny Burns)

Cara Langtree

(Girl in Riot)

Katy Langtree

(Girl in Riot)

Neil Langtree


Sean Langtree

(Curly McKenzie)

Mark Law


Rebecca Lee

(Amy Burns)

John MacDonald


George Mackie

(Baxter Baxter)

Gracie MacPherson

(Dorothy McAlpine)

Olivia MacPherson

(Thelma McAlpine)

Donald McArthur

(Cllr Ayelsford)

Robbie McArthur

(Tommy Burns)

Elaine McBride

(Isa Beveridge)

Martyn McCormack

(Charlie Burns)

Leeanne McGregor


Madeline McPherson

(Martha McAlpine)

Darren Moore

(Special Constable)

Sharon Morton

(Edna McKinchie)

Farooqi Muskwati


Matthew Nealon

(Wee Stan Wilson)

Susan Newall

(Kathleen Adams)

Bronwen Winter Phoenix

(Sarah Brodie (as Bronwen Phoenix))

Cormac Rae

(The Gamekeeper)

David Reilly

(Joe Guthrie)

Callum Renton

(Callum McKee)

Heather Richardson

(Hazel McKinchie)

Mark Richardson

(Special Constable)

Georgie Robertson

(Masie Wilson)

Peter Robertson

(Bob McGregor)

Lorna Rees

(Lady McKillip)

Winona Samet

(Besie McKee)

Craig J. Seath

(Dr. McCrae)

Lindsey Smith

(Jem McKenzie)

Caitlin Sneddon

(Mary Fleming)

Ciaran Sneddon

(William Mackie)

Karen Sneddon

(Jessie Stewart)

Cody Spears


Tyler Spears

(Lizzie Guthrie)

Mark Spiden

(Police Officer)

Allan Stewart

(Sir Harry Lauder)

Linda Stuart

(Mrs Simpson)

Simon Tait

(James Anderson)

Drew Taylor

(Economic League)

Codie Templeman

(Elizabeth Wilson)

Nora Trew-Rae

(Daisy Jenkins)

Rebeka Venters

(Rosie Baxter)

Stuart Venters

(Accordion Player)

Margaret Wallace

(Ruby Guthrie)

Rebecca Wallace

(Emily Guthrie)

James Barney Wood


Stuart Watson

(Big Tam Wilson)

Steven Welch

(Mine Manager)

Alicia Wilkinson

(Wet Nurse)

Mikayla Wilkinson


Rosie Willis

(Lady Lunching)

D.T. Wilson

(Artie Miller)

Eleanor Wilson

(Sadie Wilson)

Ross Wilson

(Jim Burton)

Theo Wyzgowski

(Police Officer)

Megan Taylor

(Susie Smith)