The story of the film is based on the classical tale about seven naughty sons, whom their mother cursed in anger and thus turned into ravens. When their youngest sister grew up, she decides to find her brothers and to free them. However, she falls in love with a young Prince.
Michal Dlouhý
Helena Billová
Radoslav Brzobohatý
Ivana Chýlková
Marcela Dürrová
Petr Gazdík
Jana Gazdíková
Marek Holý
Ivan Hora
Zora Jandová
Lukáš Kantor
Monika Kobrová
Jan Novák
Igor Ondříček
Martin Růžek
Boris Rösner
Helena Trýbová
Filip Vazanský
Jana Hlaváčová
Daniel Rous
Mária Podhradská