The Great American Bash (2000) took place on June 11, 2000 at the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. The main event was Jeff Jarrett defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Kevin Nash with Ernest Miller as the special guest enforcer. Also on the card was Sting vs Vampiro in a Human Torch match, Ric Flair vs David Flair, Hollywood Hogan vs Billy Kidman, Rick Steiner & Tank Abbott vs Scott Steiner in a Handicap Asylum match, Shane Douglas vs The Wall in a Best of 5 Tables match, Shawn Stasiak vs GI Bro in a Boot Camp match, Mike Awesome vs DDP in an Ambulance match, KroniK vs The Mamalukes, and Lt. Loco defending the WCW Cruiserweight Championship against Disqo. Some of the matches from this event was used as a green screen stock footage for a 'Newsflash' segment on Whose Line Is It Anyway?.
Jeffrey Jarrett
Kevin Nash
Steve Borden
Ian Hodgkinson
Richard Fliehr
David Flair
Hulk Hogan
Peter Gruner Jr.
Scott Rechsteiner
Rob Rechsteiner
Tank Abbott
Jerry Tuite
Troy Martin
Shawn Stipich
Booker Huffman, Jr.
Page Falkinburg Jr.
Mike Alfonso
Vito LoGrasso
Jon Hugger
Brian Adams
Bryan Clark
Glenn Gilbertti
Chavo Guerrero Jr.