The film follows three young characters of different social status, possessed by love for the wrong person. During the day and night, after a series of tragicomic, sometimes absurd situations they are going through, their paths intersect. The fanatical pursuit of the object of his obsession, all three end up in a suspicious night club in one last attempt to fulfill their dreams. Download the movie of the need to fulfill, regardless of the consequences. This film is dedicated to all the people in love and those who have not understood why. Film defend their dignity, to the end, despite everything.
Marko Janketić
Dragana Dabović
Nikola Rakočević
Nebojša Glogovac
Ivana Vuković
Nataša Janjić Medančić
Jovan Belobrković
Janko Cekić
Anka Gaćeša
Nemanja Jokić
Goran Komazec
Nataša Marković
Ivan Mihailović
Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković
Srđan Miletić