In 1968, an internationally renowned French film director unexpectedly lands in Abitibi, in the northwest of Quebec, to conduct political and mass-media experiments. This event fuels the revolutionary tendencies of Michel, a local young man, and the desire to travel the world of Marie, his girlfriend.
Sophie Desmarais
Alexandre Castonguay
Martin Dubreuil
René-Daniel Dubois
Steve Jolin
Céline Dompierre
Dany Michaud
Normand Canac-Marquis
Manon Charlebois
Olivier Picard
Éric Morin
Adrien Bletton
Daniel Laurendeau
Jacques Matte
Bernard Duchesneau
Jean-Paul Charlebois
Megan Cotnoir Boudreault
Arthur Castonguay
Eleni Morin-Charlebois
Rachelle Lortie
Louise Bédard
David Pierrat