Documentary by John Pilger looks at the awful truth behind white Australia's dysfunctional relationship with Indigenous Australians
John Pilger
Jon Altman
Pat Anderson
Mal Brough
Michael Degnan
Lorna Fejo
Selina Eggington
Robert Eggington
Vince Forrester
Gerry Georgatos
Paddy Gibson
Tjanara Goreng Goreng
Chris Graham
Lang Hancock
Olga Havnen
John Howard
Vince Kelly
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks
Vincent Lingiari
Marianne Mackay
Jeff McMullen
Amy McQuire
Patricia Morton-Thomas
Arthur Murray
Leila Murray
Noel Nannup
George Newhouse
Alastair Nicholson
Margaret Quirk
Bob Randall
Gina Rinehart
Kevin Rudd
Maurie Ryan
Salil Shetty
David Smith
Warren Snowdon
Dave Sweeney
Janelle Trees
Hilary Tyler
Paula Ann Williams