This 30th anniversary documentary treats film fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of "My Fair Lady," the classic musical about a poor young girl transformed into a woman of society through the tutoring of Prof. Henry Higgins. Includes footage of the filming process, as well as discussion by modern film critics about the impact movie had on later films.
Jeremy Brett
Gene Allen
Julie Andrews
Army Archerd
Theodore Bikel
John F. Burnett
Rudi Fehr
Robert A. Harris
Julian Holloway
Michael Hyatt
James C. Katz
Kevin Lingenfelser
Robert J. Litt
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Bob Mackie
Grace Mirabella
Marni Nixon
Nancy Olson
Rex Reed
Martin Scorsese
Cecil Beaton
George Cukor
Rex Harrison
Audrey Hepburn
Baroness Rothschild