Alice Springs is the scene of an enchanting date with destiny. Great planetary forces are at work, drawing people to a total eclipse of the sun - An unorthodox hero seeking the love of his life, a central Australian tour gone wrong, a young romantic lost in the desert, a rogue road train and a young woman having fantasies about killing her drop-kick of a husband...
Erik Thomson
Jessica Napier
Caitlin McDougall
Brett Stiller
Luke Carroll
Kyas Sherriff
Andrew McFarlane
Roxane Wilson
Patrick Brammall
Simon Burke
Christopher Stollery
Genevieve Hegney
Damien Garvey
Marc Cuffe
Anne-Louise Lambert
Ron Haddrick
Sandy Winton
Felicity Price
Marie Armstrong
Dan Wyllie
Lynne Murphy
Judi Farr
Cecily Polson
Simone Dann
Ella Bach
Piero von Arnim
Halina Abramowicz
Abigail Bianca
Rudiger Annus
Lars Hoffmann
Jennifer Hoffmann
Michael Denkha
Steven Kidd
Norman Alexander
Donna Thomasina De Rose
Justin Lehmann
Dan Falzon
Ted Egan Jangala