Jimmy Morales is a young fighter with a short career but with a promising future in the world of boxing. One night, after watching a movie, he witnesses a cold-blooded murder committed by Germán Corona, a known gangster of the neighborhood. Their eyes meet, Jimmy fears the worst, but the murderer runs away inexplicably. From that moment, a peculiar relationship between the boxer and gangster develop.
Jose Yenque
Rodrigo Oviedo
Marius Biegai
Jaime Camil
Omar Chaparro
Eduardo España
Roberto Espejo
Julio Cesar Fido
Jesús Ochoa
Robert C. Pemelton
Adal Ramones
José Sefami
Cecilia Suárez
Marco Antonio Treviño
Kandido Uranga
Randy Vasquez
Isela Vega
Cindy Vela