
Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark

Monster vs Metal

When another Mega Shark returns from the depths of the sea, world militaries go on high alert. Ocean traffic grinds to a standstill as everyone lives in fear of the insatiable beast. Out of options, the US government unleashes the top secret Mecha Shark project -- a mechanical shark built to have the same exact characteristics as Mega. A pair of scientists pilot the mechanical creature as they fight Mega in a pitched battle to save the planet. But when faulty mechanics cause the Mecha to go after humans, the scientists must somehow guide Mega to Mecha in hopes that the two titans will kill each other - or risk untold worldwide destruction.

Christopher Judge

(Jack Turner)

Elisabeth Röhm

(Rosie Gray)

Debbie Gibson

(Emma MacNeil)

Matt Lagan

(Admiral Engleberg)

Hannah Levien


Emma Rose Maloney


Steve Hanks

(Captain Reynolds)

Simon Barbaro


Marshall Dunn


Colin Flynn


Delanie Fischer


David Salsa


Robert Sisko

(Captain Thrace)

Alain Gerard

(Executive Officer Pollack)

Andrew Bongiorno

(Captain Perkins)

Beejan Land


Lance Buckner

(Captain Zane)

Kate Avery

(Sergeant Brooks)

David O'Donnell


Bill Voorhees

(Captain Hanson)

Matt Wool

(Deck Captain Wallace)

Phil Biedron

(French News Reporter)

Luca Bello

(Flight Officer)

Janet Cao

(Chinese News Reporter)

Vincent Cusimano


Cameron Gordon

(Air Traffic Control)

Jill Hagara

(US News Reporter)

Sylvia Panacione

(Italian News Reporter)

Natalie Pellegrini

(British News Reporter)

Paul B. Anderson

(NERO (Voice))

Fiona Hardingham


Phillip Andre Botello


Benjamin Ballarin

(Soldier #1)

Brett Lorenzini

(Soldier #2)

Jordan R. Jackson

(Soldier #3)

Billy Walker

(Transport Driver)

Todd Jones

(Fighter Pilot)

Dean Acevedo


Kim Adams


Johnny Marwence Agustin


Michael Amico


Brandon Amano


Nikolay Arkhipov


Hazel Atkinson


Carlos Ayala


Juan Ayapantecatl


Steve Troublesome Castillo


Eliane Ballaco


Jason Bene


Phil Biedran


Christian Brandin


Alecia Burnett


Ingel Catindig


Cameron Counts


Paul Champy


Craig C. Chen


Michael Sean


Richard Clark


Jacob Clarke


Samuel T. Costello


Scott Leininger


Joshua Locke


Carlos Lopez Jr.


Frankie Madrigal


Rick Mancia


William McCarthy


Brandon Mitchell


W. E. Murray


George Nguyen


Cesar Olvera V.


Samara Osborne


Mark Oshiro


Michael Parker


Ben Patino


Abigail Digna Prendes


Jessica Prendes


Jose Prendes


Darrel Scott


Diana Danger


Jennifer Powers


Jay Powers


Aaron Randell


Jimmie J. Reeds


Tony Dallas


Robert Daniels


Steve Dawson


Derek Easky


James Evans


Julia Fassinger


Tammany K. Fields


Jill Footitt


Jeffrey Garcia


Patrice Gibbs


Bryan R. Glaser


Eric Hernandez


Hans Hernke


Latisha Hill


Steve Huang


Alex Hunt


Jason James


William Jerry


Samantha Ketcherside


Kill the Water Bob


Stacy Laabs


Calsey Langlon


Jordan Lee


Kevin Reeder


Jessica Rian


Susan Riedel


Thomas Riker


Ryan Romanes


Vince Romo


Carol Rosenbaum


Russell Truman


Mitchell C. Salberg


Amalia Saputri


Anika Sceacce


Jeannene Sceacce


Noel Schwab


Dale Shieh


Andy Skauge


Terry Smith


Mauricio Solis


Aleksey Solodo


James Starbird


William Sturtevant




Timothy Warneke


Saundra R. Kisling (Sotomator)


Stewart Strauss
