A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and human hunters after being bitten by a werewolf. To make matters worse, it seems a civil war has erupted among the vampires, with a clan breaking from the others in a quest to return a vampire goddess back to power.
Jeremy London
Christy Carlson Romano
Yancy Butler
Mark Dacascos
Rhett Giles
Marcus Lyle Brown
Joseph Diaz
Stephanie Honoré
Sarah Ann Schultz
Jerry Katz
Taylor Roppolo
Leigh Scott
Derek Osedach
Justin Jones
Dean N. Arevalo
Edrick Browne
August Creppel
Katie Edmond
Nick Everhart
Shaun Grant
James Hebert
Laura J. Hill
David Jensen
Jade Michael LaFont
David Joseph Martinez
Carlos Antonio
Trenton McRae
Angela Meredith Furst
Lacey Minchew
Lauren Norfleet
Beau Andre Nunez
Lang Parker
Bill Posley
Julitta Pourciau
Daniel Ponsky
John Prince
Kristen Quintrall
Billy Slaughter
Jabari Thomas
Philippe Treguier
Jordan Turnage
Katherine Turnage
Ranna Williams
Ashley Grishby
Joseph Karre