This quirky episodic comedy weaves together three plotlines centered around the employees of a car garage, with some unexpected fairytale elements to get things moving. A woodland fairy convinces shy bookkeeper Piel to suddenly start driving his Trabi far above the speed limit. Manager Neumann sells his soul to a black cat in order to purchase a more respectable vehicle. And a spirit named "Car Accident" offers to warn owner Sengebusch about upcoming traffic accidents so he can make money by always being the first on the scene.
Kurt Böwe
Michèle Marian
Fred Delmare
Werner Pfeifer
Barbara Dittus
Karin Düwel
Marylu Poolman
Roman Kaminski
Horst Weinheimer
Angela Brunner
Alfred Struwe
Dorit Gäbler
Thea Schmidt-Keune
Frank Träger
Michael Falkenhagen
Dezső Garas
Gertraud Last
Wolfram Handel
Willi Schrade
Hans-Joachim Wolfram
Joachim Tomaschewsky
Ernst-Georg Schwill