(Long Synopsis) "In this laugh-out-loud, satirical comedy, Tripp Bailey (Marc Evan Johnson, Transformers) is a washed-up journalist who longs to be a high-profile, hard-hitting investigative reporter. But he has a plan … a plot to infiltrate and debunk Pyrasphere, Hollywood’s fastest-growing, new-age religion! Armed with only “The Truth”, he drafts his brother-in-law (Matt Price, TV’s Men of a Certain Age, Evan Almighty, Man on the Moon), a wedding/bar mitzvah videographer, and sets out to make his name. Under the leadership of glamorous, fame-seeking guru Gossamyrhh (Maggie Rowe, Ocean’s Thirteen, Fun With Dick and Jane), the duo encounters a wildly colorful collection of cultists, including his ex-wife (Amy Stiller, Tropic Thunder, Zoolander, The Cable Guy). But is Gossamyrhh’s philosophy actually genuine? Can Tripp really have it all through enlightenment … or is it a sham and part of a not-so-divine plan?
Marc Evan Jackson
Maggie Rowe
Andersen Gabrych
Matt Price
Bill Maher
Amy Stiller
Jonathan Schmock
Taylor Negron
Krista Simonson
Laura Silverman
Rick Overton
Shannan Fredricks
Eddie Pepitone
Drew Droege
Anneliese Euler
Elaine Hendrix
David Dean Bottrell
Melinda Hill
Shaz Bennett
Richard Belzer
Michael Cera
Samm Levine
Stirling Gardner
Keith Blaney
David Avallone
Craig Anstett
Spencer Green
Stephen Rowan
Kevin Pass
Gary Shapiro
Chris Thompson
Anne Girard
Scott Rose
Tamar Feinkind
Jack Robbins
Garrett McKechnie
Jaclyn Lafer
Carlos Kotkin
Michael Feldman
Tina Huang
C. Brian Smith
B. Mark Seabrooks
David Chrisman
Logan Heftel
Joy Sirott Hurwitz
Kristin Ciasulli
Jack Rudy
Bill Voorhees
Zach Taylor
Chani Krich
Savannah Stockdale
Jane Brucker
Natasha Harris
Gabe Harris
Brenda C. Andersen
Gary Stockdale
Tom Saunders
Debbie Shofett
Nikki Muller
Lauren Frances
Michael Dicorcia
Susie McDonnell
Cara Santa Maria
Allan Murray
Nicholas Batchelder
Michael Roach
Rudy Loyda
Blake Christian
Jonathan Konopack
Sarah Miller
Peter Baynham
Minnie Rowe Vallely
Joey Lafer