Four love stories which portray a wide gamut of emotions and desires against the backdrop of Rio de Janeiro. "Elephant's Stomp" : the story of a highway patrol officer who is infatuated with a mulatto dancer at a local nightclub. "Drao" : a publicity man and a boutique owner who face a crises in their marriage. "You Are Beautiful" : two homeless teenagers seek love amidst their personal misery. "Samba of the Great Passion" : a book maker who is charmed and captivated by the voice of a female singer coming from a building across the street. Characters in search of love in order to escape from the boredom, loneliness and helplessness of their lives.
Fernanda Montenegro
Emílio de Mello
Fernando Torres
Chico Diaz
Sílvia Buarque
Isa Viana
Alexandre Zacchia
Celso Andre
David Neves
Débora Bloch
Pedro Cardoso
Catarina Abdala
Marcelo Tas
Regininha Poltergeist
Dudu Sandroni
Cacá Mourthé
Maria Lúcia Dahl
Karen Accioly
Helio Passos
Antonio Teixeira
Ailton Vasconcelos
Carla Alexandre
Leon Góes
Jacqueline Lawrence
Floriano Peixoto
Alexandre Lippiani
Susana Ribeiro
Mestre Toni
Adriana Zantelo
Cassiano Carneiro
Chica Simpson
Lucio Barros
Goltschalik Fraga
Gabriela Lins e Silva
Tim Perry
Bruno Dias
Luciano Vidigal
Bianca Guedes
André Simpson
Leonardo Teixeira
Carlos Diegues