The story revolves around an evil politician - a junior minister who plots the murder of the chief minister through a hired killer. After the assassination of the chief minister, the killer is pursued by an idealistic dedicated police chief. The killer takes shelter in a house where a physically challenged girl is residing...
Raj Babbar
Vyjayanti Chavan
Vaishali Dandekar
Anant Jog
Divya Rana
Rohini Hattangadi
Avtar Singh Gullu
Pallavi Joshi
Sanjay Narvekar
Nana Patekar
Sudhir Pandey
Shivaji Satham
Jayant Sawarkar
Ajay Chadha
Master Kaushal
Avinash Masurekar
Pramila Mathur
Kirti Rawal
Shivaji Satham