G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Lionel Barrymore
Jean Arthur
Chester Morris
Joseph Calleia
Paul Kelly
Lewis Stone
Paul Hurst
George E. Stone
Sam Baker
William Bailey
Brooks Benedict
Ed Brady
Lane Chandler
Cora Sue Collins
Helene Costello
Nell Craig
Frank Darien
James Flavin
Harry Geise
John George
Jonathan Hale
Henry Hall
Lillian Harmer
Eddie Hart
Edward Hearn
Al Hill
Arthur Housman
William Irving
Selmer Jackson
Gladden James
John Kelly
Anderson Lawler
Frank McGlynn Jr.
Larry McGrath
Greta Meyer
Bob Montgomery
Bert Moorhouse
Frank Moran
Philip Morris
James C. Morton
Pat O'Malley
Jack Pennick
Lee Phelps
Russ Powell
Stanley Price
Frank Rice
Bert Roach
Teru Shimada
Landers Stevens
Carl Stockdale
Billy Sullivan
Zeffie Tilbury
Dorothy Vernon
Larry Wheat
Bill Wolfe
William Worthington
Tammany Young
Frank Bruno