The film centers on nerd Maxwell Dweeb (Robert Carradine), who is a loner with no friends. While watching television, he sees an advertisement for the Minnie Mouse Center for the Totally Unhip, named after its owner, Minnie Mouse. Dweeb, in an effort to improve himself, decides to attend. After being welcomed by the director (Suzanne Somers), Dweeb is taken on a tour of the centre, where other Disney characters run various courses: Goofy is a fitness instructor, Donald Duck is a wardrobe manager, and Pluto is a messenger boy. After finally meeting Minnie Mouse, Dweeb is taken on by the director, whom he eventually falls in love with, and dates once he has passed his training. The film is intershot with various musical numbers (including the duet "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by Minnie Mouse and Elton John) and excerpts from early Disney shorts.
Russi Taylor
Wayne Allwine
Will Ryan
Tony Anselmo
Suzanne Somers
Robert Carradine
Elton John
Vanna White
Tina Caspary
Peggy Holmes
Lise Lang
Thelma Smith
Andrea Paige Wilson
Cheryl Yamaguchi
Don Pardo
Angella Kaye