Inspired by the life of the french-born photographer and ethnographer, Pierre Verger, the movie follows his journey between Bahia, Brazil and Benin, Oriental Africa, showing places and people he met and his life study project: the Candomblé culture.
Pierre Verger
Gilberto Gil
Jorge Amado
Maurice Baquet
Zélia Gattai
Agenor Miranda Rocha (Pai Agenor)
Agoliagbo Bedjagni
Antonio Risério
Arlete Soares
Ayekobino Yakpetchou
Vovô do Ilê
Balbino Daniel de Paula (Pai Balbino)
Cid Teixeira Cavalcante
Edson Porto (Popó)
Gabin Djimasse
Honoré Feliciano Juliano de Souza (Xaxá VIII)
Jean Pierre Le Bouler
Jean Rouch
Juana Elbein dos Santos
Maria Stella de Azevedo (Mãe Stella)
Miguel Falabella
Milton Cunha
Nanci Bernabó
Nancy de Souza e Silva (Ceci)
Nestor Ogalala
Nordichao Bachalou
Pierre Boucher
Vilson Dias Barbosa