John Forrest is anticipating a quiet retirement spent penning detective fiction when he learns that a priceless collection of jewels belonging to a foreign potentate, Prince Homouska, has just vanished from the safekeeping of the Stamford Assurance Company. Aided by his butler, his Cockney assistant and his (initially) unwilling wife, Forrest sets out on the trail of the thieves.
Jack Buchanan
Googie Withers
Edward Everett Horton
Syd Walker
Otto Kruger
Jack La Rue
Walter Rilla
David Burns
Charles Carson
Leslie Perrins
Ronald Shiner
Edward Lexy
Ballard Berkeley
Gerald Case
Robb Wilton
Geoffrey Sumner
Alec Mango
Roddy Hughes
Eileen Bennett
H.F. Maltby
John Miller
Jack May