Robert Mayer, der Arzt aus Heilbronn

Emil Stöhr

(Robert Mayer)

Gisela Uhlen

(Wilhelmine Mayer)

Hilmar Thate

(Dr. Bohn)

Otto Stübler


Martin Flörchinger

(Fritz Mayer)

Walther Suessenguth

(Privy Councilor Justus Liebig)

Herwart Grosse

(Court Councilor Ernst von Zeller)

Harald Halgardt

(Dr. Landerer)

Gerd Michael Henneberg

(Prof. Gustav Rümelin)

Werner Segtrop

(Von Rauch)

Wolf Goette

(Prof. Nörrenberg)

Kurt Mühlhardt

(King Wilhelm of Württemberg)

Fred Mahr


Carola Braunbock


Fred Düren


Deli Buchinski


Hugo Nillius


Ludwig Sachs


Paul Knopf


Ingeborg Dräger


Walter Salow


Isolde Eckhoff


Elvira Sternbeck

(Skinny Lady)

Harry Gillmann


Karl Görs


Rita Hempel


Georg Helge Pfleger

(male nurse)

Peter Höffner


Karl Kendzia

(worker Hausmann)

Friedrich Löffler


Herbert Mewes-Conti


Charles Hans Vogt

(clerk in the mental asylum)

Maximilian Larsen

(ship captain)

Herbert Rüdiger

(sail maker)

Egon Vogel


Teddy Wulff

(coachman / lecturer)

Hans Wegen


Willi Schwabe


Peter Arden

(student in the lecture hall)

Hermann Beelitz

(student in the lecture hall)

Bob Bolander

(student in the lecture hall)

Peter Hippler

(student in the lecture hall)

Lotte Kalipke

(student in the lecture hall)

Heinz Keuneke

(student in the lecture hall)

Carlo Kluge

(student in the lecture hall)

Toni Meitzen

(student in the lecture hall)

Harry Preuß

(student in the lecture hall)

Conrad Pfennig

(student in the lecture hall)

Paul Zeidler

(student in the lecture hall)

Mario Lerch


Heinz Appel


Erich Bludau


Horst Friedrich


Hans Schille


Gustav Stähnisch


Ludwig Trautmann


Horst Giese


Otto Lange


Günther Polensen


Reginald Pasch


Siegfried Weil


Wolfgang Kalweit


Hermann Stetza


Gustav Püttjer
