This is the sprawling saga of Honoré de Balzac, a man who created a great literary oeuvre from the dramas and adventures of his own life - a life that he shaped into one spectacular and unforgettable blaze of passion. At the heart of the story are the women in Balzac's life. Although gruff, unsophisticated, and far from handsome, Balzac exerts an irresistible fascination on women.
Gérard Depardieu
Jeanne Moreau
Fanny Ardant
Virna Lisi
Katja Riemann
Claude Rich
Gert Voss
Sergio Rubini
François Marthouret
Marianne Denicourt
Gottfried John
Pascal Vannson
Enguerran Demeulenaere
Saturnin Barré
Franck de la Personne
Roland Blanche
Daniel Dadzu
Dominique Besnehard
Lucie Volmanova
Sunnyi Melles
Katja Studt
Franck Manzoni
Hervé Briaux