Jacek, who is Jewish, miraculously manages to survive World War II in Nazi-occupied Poland. As a subplot to Jacek's story, which also involves a love affair with Haling ( Kyra Sedgwick ) and German soldiers' repeated attempts to kill him, is a tale of how young kids in the Warsaw ghetto devise their own method of fighting oppression.
Sebastian Keneas
Kyra Sedgwick
David Spielberg
Cheryl Gianini
Eda Reiss Merin
Brita Youngblood
Reuel Schiller
Eric Faber
Stephen Mailer
Liliana Głąbczyńska
Dennis Boutsikaris
Shmuel Wolf
Lee Wallace
Alan Feinstein
Gerald Hiken
Larry Atlas
Evan Handler
Leopold Kozłowski
Gołda Tencer