A suspenseful, genre-bending film with two converging storylines. An aspiring college journalist records events in a diary about the turmoil of a society due to the insertion of a RFID chip mandated by the government. ? Years later in the rubble of a post apocalyptic society filled with decay and violence, the diary finds its way into to the hands of an officer in the New World Army who uncovers the truth about the past and discovers everything he stood for was a lie. But what will he do now?
Ben Davies
Jennifer Cooper
Eric Roberts
Michael Joiner
Jaci Velasquez
Dustin Tavella
T.C. Stallings
Jason Burkey
Shannen Fields
Mac Powell
Joseph Scott Anthony
Morgan Ayres
Michael Ulmer
Kelsey Sanders
Jamie Grace
Brad Stine
Wendy Griffith
Victoria Mullen
Luke Jaden