Notorious director "Bill Zebub" ("Assmonster") set out to spoof science fiction movies. He noticed that Star Trek had social messages woven into the stories. He thought jokingly "What if I weave ANTIsocial messages?" Not letting the joke fade, he wondered if there were anything in modern times that he could target, and the answer came fast. Political correctness.
Nadine Theresa Stevens
Andrea Hall
Scarlett Storm
Lydia Lael
Genoveva Rossi
Steve Nebesni
Maeva Athena
Terra Incognita
Michael Cucciniello
Sean Murray
Stephanie Anders
Buzz Cartier
Rich Carucci
William DeVito
John Hollywood
Jordana Leigh
Sheri Medulla
Pete Passaro
David Sitbon
Cloe St. Claire
Parker Weller
Jeremy Woodworth
Bill Zebub