"Too Many Cooks" is a humorous parody of US sitcoms of the 1970s and the 1980s, meanwhile what seems like an interminable opening theme, a mysterious killer makes his way and kills (preparing a lunch with their limbs) various members of the Cook Family.
William Tokarsky
Katie Adkins
Nilsa Castro
Katelyn Nacon
Linda Miller
Ken DeLozier
Morgan Burch
Justin Scott
John Garry
Tara Ochs
Kayte Giralt
Zack Shires
Gwydion Lashlee-Walton
Marc Farley
Michael D. Jenkins
Nick Gibbons
Candace Mabry
Ben Peck
Dan Triandiflou
Tony Holley
John Crow
Jennifer Giles
Matt Burke
John Curran
Mary Kraft