What does everybody want? Head to the nearest man cave, give your boss a Stone Cold salute and spend the next six hours watching The Attitude Era Vol.2, the hottest set to be released since Sable’s handprint bikini. If you are old enough to order a Steve-Weiser, “Hello ladies” was your pick up line in college and you loved WWE before “Federation” became the new “F” word, then here is what you need to do. Take this all new collection, shine it up real nice, flip it sideways and stick it straight up… your DVD player!!
Dwayne Johnson
Steven Anderson
Mick Foley
Mark Calaway
Paul Lévesque
Adam Copeland
Tammy Lynn Sytch
Rena Marlette Lesnar
Terri Runnels
Owen Hart
Michael Hickenbottom
Monty Sopp
Brian James
Terry Funk
Ken Kilpatrick
Vince McMahon
Joe Laurinaitis
Mike Hegstrand
Jacqueline Moore
Sean Morley
Takao Yoshida
Shoichi Funaki
Shigeki Sato
Charles Wright
Mark Henry
Accie Julius Connor
Glenn Jacobs
Robert Howard
Paul Wight
Dustin Runnels
Matthew Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Jason Reso
Jeffrey Jarrett
Andrew Martin
John Layfield
Ron Simmons
Sean Waltman
Johnnie Mae Young
Kurt Angle
Chris Irvine
Peter Senerchia
Eddie Guerrero
Dean Simon
Amy Dumas
Stephanie McMahon
Lisa Moretti
Floyd Brisco
Mike Lockwood
Pat Patterson
Patricia Stratigeas
John Tenta Jr.
Marc Mero
Allen Sarven
David Heath
Darren Drozdov
Matt Bloom