In an imagined reality where zombies coexist with ordinary mortal folk, the undead are considered second-class citizens. Angela finds this out the hard way when she's shot by her boyfriend and must learn to adjust to her new zombie lifestyle. She tempers her hunger for human flesh with Zombies Anonymous meetings and tries to pass for living in the mortal world.
Gina Ramsden
Joshua Nelson
Christa McNamee
Gaetano Iacono
Constantine Taylor
J. Scott Green
Mary Jo Verruto
Suzi Lorraine
Craig Jordan
Jenny Greeman
Joseph DeVito
Yarusha Jimenez
Lodric D. Collins
Hilary Bettis
Taylor Girard
Lars Stevens
Kevin T. Collins
Michael Carrara
Anthony Pepe
Ron Douglass
Helena Inno
Brandi Metaxas
Ed Avila
Lisa Bradley
Paul West
April Martucci
Mike Massimino
Rodney Jackson
Mike Lane
John Karyus
Cassandra Cruz
Shannon Moore
Marc Fratto
Sally Pressman
Masha Sapron
John Martineau
Kasey Williams
Chris .R. Notarile
Niki Rubin
Tenisha Torres