This gripping historical drama recounts the story of Armenian-born Missak Manouchian, a woodworker and political activist who led an immigrant laborer division of the Parisian Resistance on 30 operations against the Nazis in 1943. The Nazis branded the group an Army of Crime, an anti-immigrant propaganda stunt that backfired as the team's members became martyrs for the Resistance.
Simon Abkarian
Virginie Ledoyen
Robinson Stévenin
Lola Naymark
Adrien Jolivet
Pierre Niney
Olga Legrand
Alexandru Potocean
Jean-Pierre Darroussin
Yann Trégouët
Pascal Cervo
Paula Klein
Boris Bergman
Léopold Szabatura
Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet
Ariane Ascaride
Garance Mazureck
Yann Loubatière
George Babluani
Miguel Ferreira
Esteban Carvajal-Alegria
Ivan Franěk
Jürgen Genuit
Simon Frenay
Lucas Belvaux
Serge Avédikian
Quentin Thébault
Gérard Meylan