The story of the film revolves around a cursed nightie which changes hands in a logical manner, not magically. The original owner of the nightie had experienced unfulfilled love, which ultimately led to a curse on it. A wannabe actress comes to Kolkata from a village in pursue of her career. She can cross all limits in order to become successful. She uses that nightie for seducing producers and she doesn't regret in what she is doing. The events that take place later form the climax of the story.
Paoli Dam
Indraneil Sengupta
Parambrata Chatterjee
Tanushree Chakraborty
Mir Afsar Ali
Sumit Samaddar
Paran Banerjee
Debaloy Bhattacharya
Locket Chatterjee
Laboni Sarkar
Bhaskar Banerjee
Priyanka Sarkar
Rahul Banerjee
Debapratimm Dasgupta
Kanchan Mullick
Sujan Mukherjee