A wacky and hilarious misadventures of a trio of swindlers who chance upon Isko, a man from the countryside who is planning to work overseas but duped on his money by the flirty Dorie together with his accomplices Elvis and Ricky. More trouble ensues when they took custody of Don Sebastian's grand daughters, Brenda and Donna when Don Sebastian was killed by his assailants whose life was saved earlier by the swindlers. Now they will run for their lives because the assailants goes after the wealth left behind by Don Sebastian to her granddaughters.
Maricel Soriano
Andrew E.
Donna Cruz
Smokey Manaloto
Anjanette Abayari
Dale Villar
Johnny Wilson
Jaime Fabregas
Mely Tagasa
Ruby Rodriguez
Giselle Sanchez
Audra Valero
Shiela Grace Espiritu
Ara Mina
Pinky Estacio
Marie Barbacui
Boy Roque
Reynaldo Castro
Dardo De Oro
Ronald Asinas