“Landscape with Many Moons“ is a drama about a middle-aged man who lives a seemingly ordinary life with his wife and children. The truth is, however, that their relationship has reached a dead end but they prefer the illusory decorations of living together to the free fall into emptiness. The man gallivants around between his previous and current relationships without knowing exactly what to do with them. Living on the edge starts to overburden his nervous system and as a result, actual reality and dream-like reality blend together and it becomes ever harder to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
Hendrik Toompere Jr.
Jaanika Juhanson
Maria Avdjuško
Garmen Tabor
Keiro Mägi
Alar Sudak
Antti Reini
Raimo Pass
Sergei Furmanjuk
Ants Nukki
Meelis Puusepp
Aksel Kuum
Jaan Laugamõts
Jüri Ojaver
Eliko Melb
Paul Leonard Rogers
Toivo Roos
Galina Grossmann
Aivo Halanurm
Meelis Rondo
Leonhard Laiverik
Markus Luik