The heartbreaking but hopeful tale of Danny Kenny and Peggy Nash, two sweethearts who meet and struggle through their impoverished lives in New York City. When Peggy, hoping for something better in life for both of them, breaks off her engagement to Danny, he sets out to be a championship boxer, while she becomes a dancer paired with a sleazy partner. Will tragedy reunite the former lovers?
James Cagney
Ann Sheridan
Frank Craven
Donald Crisp
Frank McHugh
Arthur Kennedy
George Tobias
Jerome Cowan
Elia Kazan
Anthony Quinn
Lee Patrick
Blanche Yurka
George Lloyd
Joyce Compton
Thurston Hall
Ben Welden
John Arledge
Edward Keane
Selmer Jackson
Joseph Crehan
Murray Alper
Walter Bacon
Harris Berger
Ward Bond
Wade Boteler
James Carlisle
Steve Carruthers
Hugh Chapman
James Conaty
Oliver Cross
Dudley Dickerson
John Dilson
James Dime
Warren Douglas
Jay Eaton
Frank Faylen
Pat Flaherty
George Ford
Edward Gargan
Joe Gilbert
Malvern Gilmartin
David Gorcey
Joe Gray
Harrison Greene
Kit Guard
Robert Haines
Margaret Hayes
Sam Hayes
Oscar 'Dutch' Hendrian
Arthur Housman
George Humbert
John Indrisano
Danny Jackson
Thomas E. Jackson
Lois James
Payne B. Johnson
Colin Kenny
Victor Kilian
Joseph La Cava
Mike Lally
Charles Lane
Paula Lane
Ethelreda Leopold
Carl M. Leviness
Michael Mark
William Marshall
Eric Mayne
Pat McKee
Sidney Miller
Hans Moebus
Bert Moorhouse
Jack Mower
William Newell
William H. O'Brien
George O'Hanlon
Garry Owen
Paul Panzer
Sally Payne
Jack Perry
Lee Phelps
William Phillips
Bernice Pilot
Alexander Pollard
Fred Rapport
Jackie Salling
Scott Seaton
John Sheehan
Charles Sherlock
Buster Slaven
Stephen Soldi
Bob Steele
Larry Steers
Charles Sullivan
Elliott Sullivan
Frank Sully
Dale Van Sickel
Billy Wayne
Dick Wessel
Leo White
Frank Wilcox
Charles C. Wilson
Tom Wilson
Robert Winkler
George Boyce