Sasaki Kojiro tells the story of the genius who staked his love, glory, and life on a duel with the supreme master of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi (Tatsuya Nakadai). Oscar winning Hiroshi Inagaki directs this epic motion picture based on Genzo Murakami’s fascinating story. Despite his humble birth, the orphan Sasaki Kojiro (Onoe Kikunosuke) is determined to become the foremost swordsman in all Japan, a title that traditionally belongs to a nobleman. At fencing school, young Kojiro receives the contempt of his classmates because of his superior swordsmanship. When rumors of the upcoming civil war between Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans spread, Kojiro leaves the school and sets out, seizing every opportunity to realize his dream.
Yōko Tsukasa
Yuriko Hoshi
Keiko Sawai
Mayumi Ozora
Aiko Mimasu
Tadao Nakamaru
Yoshio Tsuchiya
Chūsha Ichikawa
Akihiko Hirata
Masao Shimizu
Susumu Fujita
Kenjirō Ishiyama
Ryōsuke Kagawa
Tatsuya Mihashi
Isamu Nagato
Tatsuya Nakadai
Kikunosuke Onoe IV