Is having fun and saying what you really think politically incorrect? Or is it impossible to do both? Cody McKenzie thinks nobody has parties anymore. Maybe they do, but he just isn't invited to any. However, tonight, Cody and his wife Judy are going to a very special party. Elizabeth Sheridan, star of Cody's fantasies, is giving it for the engagement of his best friend. Elizabeth also happens to be a very important player where Cody works. Judy sees the party as a chance for Cody to advance; he sees it as a chance to impress the woman of his dreams.
Joe Grisaffi
Anne Quackenbush
Therese Kotara
Garrison Wynn
Michael Gray
Tammie Brown
Bob Gebert
Bryan Lee McGlothin
Tiffany Grant
Catherine Anderson Martin
Angela Laux
Barbara Jones
Ruth Ann Black
Sheila Sawyer
Alyssia Dujmovich
Alexander Sasha Papkov
Chris Matcek
Maria Fonseca Sotolongo
John Gremillion