TV Film adaptation of Victoria Wood's hit musical set in Manchester in 1929 and 1969. When middle aged loners Tubby and Enid attend a reunion of the choir in which they sang as children, the music evokes powerful memories, leading them to realise they still have a chance to find happiness.
Imelda Staunton
Michael Ball
Conleth Hill
Vincent Franklin
Daniel Rigby
Sophie Thompson
Lyndsey Marshal
Dorothy Atkinson
Ian Lavender
Jessica Gunning
Malcolm Sinclair
Leslie Hattersley
Harvey Chaisty
Jessica Casby
Sam Burles
Tracy Gabbitas
Carl Sanderson
Michael Strobel
Helena Rochester
Kaya Brady
Pam Shaw
Marvyn Dickinson
Andrew Carleton
Robert Maxfield
Jo Gerard
Charles De'Ath
Tanya Robb
Cat Simmons
Dan Reilly
Gary Watson
Sebastien Torkia
William Fox
Michael Jibson
Christopher Jordan
Nathan Rowley
Mark Rowlands