In this modern retelling of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fantasy action-adventure classic, a commercial airliner crashes deep in the heart of the Amazon. Now, the survivors must face a mysterious and hostile world inhabited by giant scorpions, dragons, and a simian beast that stands ten stories tall.
Bruce Boxleitner
Sarah Lieving
Rhett Giles
Christina Rosenberg
Steve Railsback
Chriss Anglin
Amanda Ward
Boni Yanagisawa
Amanda Barton
James Ferris
Jeff Denton
Jennifer Lee Wiggins
Andrew Lauer
Thomas Downey
Angela Horvath
Eliza Swenson
Leigh Scott
Yoshie Morino
Ava Bellamy
Troy Thomas
Brian J. Garland
Shaun Lavery
Steven B. Fish II
Derek Riley
Kurt Altschwager
Lisa Clark
Vin Vescio