Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being half of French heritage, the other being half German. Following the death of the family patriarch, the man's two daughters and their families resettle to France and Germany, respectively. In time the Great War breaks out, putting members of the family on opposing sides.
Rudolph Valentino
Josef Swickard
Alice Terry
Alan Hale
Pomeroy Cannon
Bridgetta Clark
Virginia Warwick
Mabel Van Buren
Stuart Holmes
John St. Polis
Mark Fenton
Derek Ghent
Nigel De Brulier
Bowditch M. Turner
Edward Connelly
Wallace Beery
Harry Northrup
Arthur Hoyt
Xavier Cugat
Louise Emmons
John George
Jean Hersholt
Noble Johnson
Kathleen Key
Ramon Novarro