The story of the Black Panthers is often told in a scatter of repackaged parts, often depicting tragic, mythic accounts of violence and criminal activity; but this is an essential story, vibrant, human; a living and breathing chronicle of a pivotal movement that birthed a new revolutionary culture in America.
Kathleen Cleaver
Julian Bond
Jamal Joseph
Blair Anderson
Omar Barbour
Elaine Brown
Scot Brown
William Calhoun
Clayborne Carson
Eldridge Cleaver
Dennis Cunningham
Emory Douglas
Flores Forbes
Sherwin Forte
Ronald Freeman
Roland Freeman
Beverly Gage
Ray Gaul
Jeff Haas
Fred Hampton
Edward Hanrahan
Elbert Howard
Ericka Huggins
Phyllis Jackson
Deborah Johnson
Mike Klonsky
Mark Kurlansky
Bob Lee
David Lemieux
Tarika Lewis
Felipe Luciano
Ron McCarthy