In this remake of the classic 1950s sci-fi tale, a boy tries to stop an invasion of his town by aliens who take over the the minds of his parents, his least-liked schoolteacher and other townspeople. With the aid of the school nurse the boy enlists the aid of the U.S. Marines.
Hunter Carson
Karen Black
Timothy Bottoms
Laraine Newman
James Karen
Bud Cort
Louise Fletcher
Eric Pierpoint
Christopher Allport
Virginya Keehne
Kenneth Kimmins
Charlie Dell
Chris Hebert
Mason Nupuf
William Frankfather
Debra Berger
Eddy Donno
Mark Giardino
Donald Hotton
Jimmy Hunt
William Bassett
Dale Dye
Scott Leva
Steven Lambert
Debbie Lee Carrington
Tony Cox
Sal Fondacaro
Randall Wulff