This anthology features three chilling horror movies that include tales of supernatural beings and other beasts, such as "Nieves" in which a local hero must save her hometown from rampaging nature spirits known as Engkanto. In "Emergency," ghoulish creatures attack a remote hospital, and in "Class Picture," the ghost of a sadistic nun attacks a group of college friends. Mike Tuviera and Topel Lee direct these hair-raising films.
Marian Rivera
Kim Chiu
Roxanne Guinoo
Gerald Anderson
JC de Vera
Jean Garcia
Mylene Dizon
Wendell Ramos
Erich Gonzales
Diana Zubiri
John Lapus
Iwa Moto
Niña Jose
Denise Laurel
Janus Del Prado
Eri Neeman
Cris Daluz
Banjo Romero
Dido De La Paz
Perry Escaño
I.C. Mendoza
Stef Prescott
Charles Christianson
Eda Nolan
Prince Stefan
Andrea Torres
Jennica Garcia
Martin Escudero
Desiree del Valle
Marco Alcaraz
Malou Crisologo
Kristel Fulgar
Antonette Garcia
Adrian Alandy
Buboy Villar