Alongside Night is the story of the final economic collapse of the United States as seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Elliot Vreeland, searching for his missing Nobel-laureate-economist father, and the mysterious teenage "Lorimer" whom Elliot meets in a black-market underground, whose own father might be the reason Elliot's father is missing.
Kevin Sorbo
Christian Kramme
Reid Cox
Said Faraj
Jake Busey
Tim Russ
Garrett Wang
Dan Hewitt Owens
Eric Colton
Gary Graham
Sam Sorbo
Rebekah Kennedy
Charlie Morgan Patton
Susan Smythe
Darren Robertson
Kyle Justin Leatherberry
Mara Marini
Valence Thomas
Paula LaBaredas
Richard Hatch
Sydney Schafer
Corina Taylor
Ann Lippert